Touch communications home massage








A family with an old person has a living treasure of gold.
Chinese proverb.

Touch is essential for our well-being at all ages, but we receive the least in our later years.The touch that has nurtured and comforted us earlier in life often dwindles to a token of tenderness or affection. Massage can greatly enhance the quality of life for the elderly.


Often just an embrace, light touch, or gentle stroke will make your elderly relative feel loved, appreciated, and nurtured. Caring touch helps the elderly deal with loss, dependence and a changed body.


Many elderly relatives or friends may have difficulty walking or don't have full use of their hands due to arthritis. Massaging their feet and hands will increase their circulation and also boost their spirits.


Often there may be no words to make your elderly relative or friend feel better but a hug, pat on the shoulder or gentle massage can bring great healing.


Elderly family members and friends enjoy being the giver of a massage as much as the receiver. In fact, the elderly have been found to actually enjoy giving a massage as much or more because it makes them feel useful and loving.

grandpa and daughter