Touch communications home massage








A family in harmony will prosper in everything.
Chinese proverb

Massage can change the vary fabric of family life. Families report fewer fights, more laughter, better health, and increased circulation. They find that they spend less time on the computer and more and more time on the massage table connecting with one another.


Home massage creates an atmosphere in the home that is comfortable with touch. Sharing massage allows parents to model proper touch with their children. Loving touch becomes a natural expression for every family member.


Massage soothes nerves and alleviates common complaints of pregnancy. Gentle, calming strokes stimulate the circulation and help reduce blood pressure, calming both mother and children.


The convenience and availbilitiy of home massage allows us to exchange massage before and after athletic events, helhping to minimize injuries, increase flexilibity, ease fatigue and promote quicker recovery.


Family pets love to get on the massage table. Pet massage allows us to support our animals and their natural need for touch.