Touch communications home massage


Transforming Family Life Through the Healing Power of Touch

by Chuck Fata and Suzette Hodnett

Massage Consultant: Jackie Sloan









This book is well-crafted, practical, creative, innovative, and accessible. Highly recommended for all those who value the role of touch and intimacy in their lives."

Marianna Caplan, "To Touch Is To Live."

Our home is where we first learn to touch. Yet natural touch among family members, so vital to our emotional and physical health, is an often neglected means of communication. Family members have become strangers in their own home. The cold metal and hard plastic of our cell phones and iPods has begun to replace the soft, warm touch of those most dear to us. Children suffer from stress-related diseases and some turn to drugs. No-touch laws, while critical for abusive touch, sometimes make us paranoid to reach out, even to our own family members and friends, with a loving embrace

To touch or not to touch? This has become an important question in our twenty-first century life. If we choose not to touch, we are robbing ourselves and future generations of one of our most precious birthrights - the innate healing power of touch. The art of massage, shared between family and friends whom we love and trust, can help us reclaim our deep heritage of healing touch for ourselves and our children. "What better place than within our family to rediscover the healing benefits of touch through massage?"

This book stands apart from any other instructional how-to massage book on the market. It offers a clear voice on how respect, honor and appropriate touch learned on the massage table can return intimacy and loving touch to family life. This boook is divided into three sections. The first section, "Understanding Home Massage", covers the theory and benefits of bringing massage into the home. The second section, "Learning Home Massage", shares the three proven principles that make massage natural and easy to learn, along with easy to follow instructions on strokes and techniques. The third section, "Bringing Home Massage into Your Life," offers ideas and applications for massage/touch in our daily lives.