Touch communications home massage


Transforming Family Life Through the Healing Power of Touch

by Chuck Fata and Suzette Hodnett

Massage Consultant: Jackie Sloan


by Jackie Sloan, CMT, Co-founder of TCHM








If you are holding this book in your hands, you have already made a conscious step closer to connecting with your loved ones.Your innate senses are reminding you of how good it feels to be touched or to touch someone. Those same senses “know” that touch relaxes, heals, connects, and communicates. It can be as simple as a warm feeling of security and acceptance or as powerful as to create mental, emotional and physical shifts in our lives. It is the way most of us were touched as children—unabashed, unrestrained, free and unashamed. But when is the last time you remember touching someone or being touched in that way?

Our social upbringing, our poor experiences with touch, our physical and emotional injuries and the rules and regulations imposed on us at our workplaces and schools has slowly and surreptiously led us to put up barriers so that we might find ourselves not touching or being touched for days. Human touch is as vital to our physical and emotional health as food and water.Would we consider going without food and water?

In 2004, Chuck Fata was asked to teach a 15-hour massage class for the students at the University of California at Irvine. He took the challenge and found that they were starving for touch and yet full of apprehensions.Aware of this,he opted to teach what we knew to be under the surface of healthy, human touch. He taught about respect, honor and nurturing intentions, of being present and aware, of being comfortable with touch and comfortable in one’s body.Techniques followed, and with these con- cepts in place, Chuck and the students created a safe, nurturing, loving environment free from sexual intonations and fears of being hurt. Creativity, trust and relaxation then happened naturally. I came to assist Chuck with the first group and was truly fascinated by what I saw. These students looked like professionals after only four hours. Word spread, and it became the most popular class in the department. Chuck and I continued our research, discussions and teaching. With great for tune we added life coach,Tai Chi sandan and co-author of this book, Suzette Hodnett. With her psychological expertise and her East/West perspectives, together we recognized we had a different approach and the desire to bring it to the general public.

Home Massage: Transforming Family Life Through the Healing Power of Touch is one of our gateways to present these concepts to the world around us.Years were spent in its development.We have seen that the introduction to these principles is what makes massage easy to learn and extremely effective.TC Home Massage bridges massage techniques with the art of massage.This is rare, even in the professional world.There is much more to massage than structural change and this book explores the depth of human touch in clear language, simple directions and heartwarming photography.

Our lives are fast-paced and there seems to be no time for rest, peace and introspection. If one could only “take a breath.” This book offers us that breath. Our society is hesitant to touch and fears improper touch. This book is an invitation to make proper touch a household word. Our families and friends often miss out on our deepest communication—loving touch.This book shares a path to bring the lessons learned on the massage table into our relationships and our daily lives.

Touch is our innate wisdom. It is not something we need to learn, but something we need to remember. What better place than with our trusted friends and family to return to our natural ability of healing touch through massage?

Turn the pages to learn the principles beneath touch, the techniques for a basic massage and everyday methods to use this gift to bring your family and friends closer. Whether you have five minutes or an evening to spend, every touch shared is a communication. Don't miss the opportunity.